Report: ‘Wonder Woman’ lassoes ‘Pan’ screenwriter

Image courtesy of NY Post
Image courtesy of NY Post

The new Wonder Woman film has found its screenwriter!

The Hollywood Reporter [via ComicBookMovie] is reporting that Pan scribe Jason Fuchs is set to take on the property for Warner Bros.

Jason Fuchs, who is behind Warner Bros’ upcoming Pan movie, is on his way to Paradise Island via invisible jet.

Warners had no comment.

At first I thought this was for the god awfu live TV show on tonight and I wanted to jump off a building. Then I realized it’s the Hugh Jackman movie coming out next July that actually looks pretty interesting:

Fuchs seems to be a fan of the Peter Pan mythology and was able to play with audience expectations, especially between Peter and Captain Hook. That willingness to use the source material as a jumping off point could be very useful for a great Wonder Woman film. Adapting the character for the big screen will need some departures in order to be a faithful adaptation. At the same time, staying true to the essential elements of what makes that character are also important.

Image courtesy of Wikimedia.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia. mythology and was able to shift audience assumptions in interesting ways, which offers interesting possibilities for Wonder Woman.

The rumor up until this point has been that after the character is introduced in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, she will then appear in her own solo film that is rumored to take place in during the 1920s. Following that, will be 2017’s Justice League, before heading back for a Wonder Woman sequel set during World War II.

None of this has been confirmed by Warner Bros other than the slated dates for Batman v. Superman, the solo Wonder Woman and Justice League. But if any or all of it turns out to be true, we could be in for some very interesting story telling. We’ll essentially be cross cutting back and forth between the present day story and the past story every time she appears on screen.

My biggest concern at this point is the casting of Gal Gadot. Right now she’s nothing more than a pretty face. Her work in the Fast and Furious films didn’t blow anyone’s hair back, so unless her talent level rises between now and when Batman v. Superman hits theaters, I’m going in with low expectations. I’m not saying she won’t be good; I’m simply saying I won’t be disappointed if she’s bad. Hopefully it will be a case like Dave Bautista in Guardians of the Galaxy, where the director takes a subpar actor and plays to his or her strengths in order to get a great performance.

Maybe Zack Snyder has an ace in the hole about how to tap into Gadot’s talent that he’s not sharing. Maybe Wonder Woman director Michelle MacLaren thinks she has an idea how to work with this girl. I’m praying things turn out well, but I’m not 100 percent on board.

What do you think, Pow! Nation? Does the Pan screenwriter sound like the right fit for the job? Or does Warner Bros have a ticking crocodile bomb on its hands ready to blow? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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